Quench Topicals Skincare | Hydration for your skin

Lips - Care

Pre – Care

Before your lip neutralization appointment make sure to buff away any dead skin cells with a lip scrub using circular motions. This should be done at least

2 days prior to your appointment. After using a lip scrub please apply moisture to your lips using a hydrating lip balm. Continue to use the lip balm daily before your appointment and after for best results. If you have a history of cold sores or fever blisters it is suggested to take an antiviral medication at least 3 days before your appointment and complete the dosage after your appointment. Lip tattooing could trigger and outbreak due to trauma not from a mistake of your artist. Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water prior to your lip tattoo. For 48hrs prior to your appointment avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine, fish oil and any blood thinners.

After Care

Apply the provided or suggested heainling balm regularly using a clean, disposable cotton Q-tip/ lip applicator. Do not let your lips get dry.

Always clean your lip with a damp cotton round (using sterile water) and always before applying product.

Do not apply makeup on your lips or near your lips for a minimum of 5 -7days. I suggest when wearing lipstick to wear a light colored lipstick as dark colors can stain the lips,

Avoid spicy/salty foods for at least 3 days.

Feed yourself avoiding getting any food on your lips.

Drink through a straw until the lips have completely peeled.

No kissing for a minimum of 7 days to prevent infection.

When brushing your teeth avoid getting toothpaste on your lips for 5 days.

Do not expose your lips to direct sunlight,pools, jacuzzis, saunas, and pools.

After the skin has flaked/peeled away from your lips (during days 3-5) your lips will appear as if little or no color is present. This is normal and part of the healing process.

Use sunscreen on your lips every day to prevent fading.


The next day, your lips will appear darker in color and by day 3 or 4 your lips will begin to peel.

After the skin has peeled your lips will appear as if little or no color is left and or look very patchy. This is a normal and part of the healing process. In 2 weeks your clients may experience post inflammatory hyperpigmentation which is temporary darkness. This is completely normal. The lips will get darker before they get lighter. It takes a full 12-16 weeks to see healed results.

Quench Topicals is an all natural ingredient based product that promotes wound healing and hydration. Research shows that petroleum based products are not goof for skin healing. Quench Topical’s breathable products are rich in anti-inflammatory ingredients and essential oils to promote moisture to help speed up recovery during the healing process of tattooing. These products can also be used daily in your regular skin care routine.